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How to sell a company

Фото автора: AODRS - Investments platform for Life and BusinessAODRS - Investments platform for Life and Business

We are launching a new technology for selling companies on the platform. The time when you could not sell and talked with partners, or friends, or called some companies was gone. New times - the Internet has become the basis for communication with investors, including for the sale of your business. New platform features give a chance to sell your company to a new owner. We know how it’s not just selling companies. We come across this every day. On the site of the AODRS platform, we created a special section Buy a company, where we described the sales path. Tariffs are indicated here. It remains to understand how the platform itself will look and what information we will provide to investors, as well as on the basis of what we will make an offer to the investor or buyer of your business. We have a fundamental difference from those who make the assessment or those of ordinary consultants. We are very good at how to create value for companies. I personally constantly study the latest deals and opportunities for joint stock companies. What is the site with the progress of current placements. This is primarily information on existing offers from business owners to sell them. We have created a simple and clear interface that will help you apply for the sale of your company and promote it among other applications. The application process is very simple, you need to fill out a form on the site, on the basis of which we will screen your company and verify the accuracy of the data. After that, you will be required to submit some documents, on the basis of which a decision will be made on assigning a ticker to put the company up for sale through the platform. You will have to choose a tariff on the basis of which you will be asked to draw up a contract with the platform and pay the invoice for the tariff. We will make sure that only a real investor knows the exact data about your decision during the sale of your company. We do not want to jeopardize your business, so we will keep the information with due diligence and put you on a deal after checking the intent of the investor or the buyer.

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