Dear readers, these are my thoughts and they, like everyone else, can get confused and run ahead or fall behind ... This is a channel that will help you think and calculate your moves an order of magnitude ahead. If you read smart people, you yourself will be smart. On the channel there will be interviews of different people, from different countries, different professions. Read.

So, I already wrote about 13 life hacks for companies on the channel, you can read. Today I want to give a little future for readers. I’ll remove the complexity and write in simple words. Well, let's start with the fact that immediately after quarantine, you will not "go" to live as you lived, you will not spend in the ways you spent. Because people tend to take care of themselves. And this is about 80% of the population will do so. So, at retail stores, profits will be reduced. With tourism, there will be a lot of difficulties there, before you go, the place will be examined under a microscope. Demand for cars will increase, because many will prefer cars. Maybe someday, everything will be forgotten, but not now. What will happen to national currencies? We are rapidly moving towards the gold standard and new measures of the value of currencies. With banks, it seems like a disaster. Not everyone will survive from the current ones. Many simply do not have money, and the cleaning of the banking sector is coming. I have no recipes for the country. Well, the truth is, if you had no money, then where did they come from. You won’t take everyone into entrepreneurs. But there is a vision of how to make sure that many have a job. For analysis, I took various data on the behavior of the economies of other countries during critical changes in the economy. To begin with, that sharing and giving away is not our way, and believe me it is a dead end. It is necessary to create as many jobs in the economy as the economy can sustain. Sounds smart. The reality lies in the area of the Central Bank’s decision and currency relations with other currencies, that’s where our jobs are. So simple and clear. Do you think they don’t know up there? Must know, but this is a policy decision. Now the question is, what needs to be done to create 20 million jobs in the country? 20 million .. Maybe less is needed, but 20 .. Hmm, here I turned a little .. So the most important questions: Who should create jobs for the state or private companies? Who should finance the state or development institutions or private banks or entrepreneurs !? Which industries should be the first to start pulling the process? Branches of locomotives. Is it necessary to spend the funds that the state has accumulated earlier? There are a lot of questions. I assure you that each of my questions draws another thousand, if not more. Not a single mind alone will give an exact answer to these questions, because there are simply a lot of options for the development of the country. Sometimes I read economists homegrown here and I understand how much they are not immersed in the problem. I believe that the state should be put at the head, not the individual. And here I am fundamentally against those who are discussing to distribute and share everything. People, there will be a state, there will be everything else! What awaits us? We have to learn this question already in September 2020. If you understand the Internet, go online. Go and learn how to do business there. If you do not understand and from the "earthly" professions, then be prepared to reduce the cost of your labor. Which means a probable retraining for another profession. The solution lies in the policy area of our central bank. Politics, and everything else we decide. What you need to do is use big data - big data to predict the situation. Hopefully used in government. But what is exactly important, you need to stop increasing credit for households and increase the ability to pay more, while maintaining the current level of consumption. The channel was created by the initiator of the AODRS investment platform. Slav luginin Do not forget to subscribe to my telegram channel and facebook. You can leave comments just below the blog. Share your thoughts, write your ideas. Every day we are reading more and more. Yesterday was a record.
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