We all observe how financial markets behave, how oil futures fall. What to do? Where is the protection? There are really more questions. It remains to live and move only forward. I have repeatedly told entrepreneurs that it is necessary to develop other projects as much as possible and money, creating new teams and new topics. Someone listened, someone waved. But time goes on inexorably. We are facing a fall in the dollar, its depreciation and probably difficult times. Is this scenario real? Likely soon we will be locked in our national borders and the matter is towards the gold standard and the change of the existing dollar system.

Moreover, the press and analysts very strongly create a noise background for such rumors and conjectures. There are several ways out. Let’s look at the analysts, almost all of them have money in stocks or just in money or bonds and all their power, this is what is in online projects, analytics, changes in current and future asset prices and no matter what. That is why they seem very smart and progressive - they create pretexts. They simply invest, sell and buy, and then COMMENT. How many reasons have you created to comment on your markets or others? ? Here is their secret to popularity. Therefore, do as they create Internet projects on the network. Do not think that only production is the key to your wealth. But there are people who make production or something important for the world. I know that people who do things quietly may not be fast, but their opinions are very professional. Take Mikhail Kokorich, lives in the USA, created a team and makes a project for space, rests against his inherent strength and determination. Or take Andrey Lysykh and Vadim Konovalov from STKS - it’s difficult, for a long time the guys go to the goal, create the production of granules from recycled materials and plastic pipes. Therefore, it is so important to create alternative additional projects and place them among investors. When they ask me where the exit is, I point to the projects being posted on the platform and I say here it is. You can’t take me literally - the way out is investing in entrepreneurs, about which I’m talking about and thousands more interesting projects. Invest, help others and then investors will surely come to you too. The AODRS platform allows you to do what you only dreamed about, but could not think of at all - go to investors and place your shares and shares already at the start of your activity. It becomes newsmakers on their own shares, influence the comments before the press themselves and compare markets. You can do it, you just need to understand it once. Just think about how your life will change if you are not alone, but rely on an investment platform! Do it .. More details can be found here https://windenergyfund9.wixsite.com/aodrs/predprinimatelyam?lang=en
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