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Bank guarantee - how to raise capital - Oleg Karpov -New scheme

Фото автора: AODRS - Investments platform for Life and BusinessAODRS - Investments platform for Life and Business

Обновлено: 4 мая 2020 г.

How to change the approach to project financing! There is an answer. This is the International ABU Development Foundation -IABUDF. I will briefly say what it is about. This fund has developed an absolutely specific procedure for financing projects and companies. I am very pleased that the scheme is actually very flexible and, in combination with our platform, may be the best option for the development of companies. As I see the diagram. To begin with, the company is applying for project financing on the AODRS platform, which will give the project company primary financing. Take the proposed company with an offer to invest $ 1 million in it, which places its shares on the AODRS platform in the amount of 30%. After the placement of these shares and obtaining financing, the company sends these funds for a deposit to the bank and issues a bank guarantee against them, through which the International ABU Development Foundation -IABUDF fully covers the financing of this project. But how this happens technically and what does the fund get, we learn from Oleg Karpov, the director of the fund in Russia. SL- How do you assess the prospects for the development of a business pandemic. How do you think this will affect investments? Oleg K. - Vyacheslav is glad that you have found time in your schedule to communicate with me.In my opinion, at this stage of the development of events in the world against the backdrop of a pandemic, entrepreneurs will be busy minimizing the loss of assets due to subsidence and bankruptcy of enterprises. The world will not be the same.

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