Slav Luginin
What is the reason for the success of the Russian Minerals company? Why are the company's shares growing? Why Russian Minerals are the leaders in demand among investors? We asked ourselves this question and conducted a short research. And here are the conclusions: 1) the company uses a long-term capitalization growth program. 2) goes to reasonable expenses for working with investors. 3) does not use an aggressive borrowing program. 4) Uses a joint stock company to work with investors. 5) Uses scientific developments in the activities of a mining company. 6) the team works as a single mechanism. Information available
We assessed the prospects for the value of this company's shares and made sure that their system of working with investors can be adopted by other private companies. They did a lot first. So they were the first to make a high-quality video for investors in Russian and English, he was the first to openly voiced their development plans on video. They report on the results of the year. They also use the scientific and academic base to develop the company. We do not exclude that the company has great potential for growth in value over the next two years. According to our estimates, the share price growth may continue in the medium term. Recommendation - Buy.
Центр анализа частных акций AODRS